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Problemlösung:JSON_VALUE gibt NULL mit langen Zeichenfolgen zurück (SQL Server)

Wenn Sie JSON_VALUE() verwenden Um Werte zurückzugeben, die aus einer langen Zeichenfolge bestehen, werden Sie möglicherweise feststellen, dass NULL zurückgegeben wird anstelle des tatsächlichen Werts.

Oder Sie erhalten möglicherweise eine Fehlermeldung.

Die Ursache

Dieses Problem tritt auf, weil JSON_VALUE() gibt einen einzelnen Textwert vom Typ nvarchar(4000) zurück .

Bei Verwendung von JSON_VALUE() Um Zeichenfolgen mit mehr als 4000 Zeichen zurückzugeben, erhalten Sie entweder einen Fehler oder einen NULL Wert, abhängig vom verwendeten Pfadmodus.

Laxer Modus vs. strenger Modus

Ob Sie einen Fehler oder NULL erhalten hängt davon ab, ob Sie lax verwenden oder strict Modus.

Wenn der Wert größer als 4000 Zeichen ist:

  • In lax Modus, JSON_VALUE() gibt null zurück.
  • In strict Modus, JSON_VALUE() gibt einen Fehler zurück.

Beispiel für das Problem

Hier ist ein Beispielcode, der das Problem verursacht.

Lassen Sie uns zwei Beispiele machen; eine in lax Modus und der andere im strict Modus.


DECLARE @json nvarchar(max) = N'{ 
    "article" : {
            "id" : 1,
            "text" : "If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error."
SELECT JSON_VALUE(@json, 'lax $.article.text');


| (No column name)   |
| NULL               |

Wie erwähnt, in lax Modus gibt es NULL zurück .

Strikter Modus

DECLARE @json nvarchar(max) = N'{ 
    "article" : {
            "id" : 1,
            "text" : "If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error."
SELECT JSON_VALUE(@json, 'strict $.article.text');


Msg 13625, Level 16, State 1, Line 7
String value in the specified JSON path would be truncated.

Wie erwartet erhalten wir einen Fehler. Glücklicherweise gibt der Fehler einen Hinweis darauf, was schief gelaufen ist, da er erwähnt, dass der String-Wert abgeschnitten werden würde.


Glücklicherweise ist das OPENJSON() Die Funktion hat nicht dieselbe Beschränkung auf 4000 Zeichen wie JSON_VALUE() hat auf seinem Rückgabewert.

OPENJSON() gibt JSON-Werte als nvarchar(max) zurück .

Daher können wir den folgenden Code verwenden, um das Problem zu beheben.

DECLARE @json nvarchar(max) = N'{ 
    "article" : {
            "id" : 1,
            "text" : "If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error."
SELECT text FROM OPENJSON(@json, '$.article') 
WITH (text nvarchar(max) '$.text');


If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error. If you have to return scalar values greater than 4000 characters, use the OPENJSON function instead of JSON_VALUE. This text contains more than 4000 characters, which will cause issues for the JSON_VALUE function in SQL Server. This is because the JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). If the value is greater than 4000 characters: In lax mode, JSON_VALUE returns null. In strict mode, JSON_VALUE returns an error.