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Kann ich in SQL Server 2005 eine Kaskadenlöschung durchführen, ohne die Eigenschaft für meine Tabellen festzulegen?

Durch Kombinieren Ihres Ratschlags und eines Skripts, das ich online gefunden habe, habe ich eine Prozedur erstellt, die SQL erzeugt, die Sie ausführen können, um eine kaskadierte Löschung durchzuführen, unabhängig von ON DELETE CASCADE . Es war wahrscheinlich eine große Zeitverschwendung, aber ich hatte eine gute Zeit, es zu schreiben. Ein Vorteil dieser Vorgehensweise ist, dass Sie ein GO setzen können Anweisung zwischen jeder Zeile, und es muss keine große Transaktion sein. Das Original war ein rekursives Verfahren; dieser entrollt die Rekursion in eine Stack-Tabelle.

create procedure usp_delete_cascade (
    @base_table_name varchar(200), @base_criteria nvarchar(1000)
as begin
    -- Adapted from http://www.sqlteam.com/article/performing-a-cascade-delete-in-sql-server-7
    -- Expects the name of a table, and a conditional for selecting rows
    -- within that table that you want deleted.
    -- Produces SQL that, when run, deletes all table rows referencing the ones
    -- you initially selected, cascading into any number of tables,
    -- without the need for "ON DELETE CASCADE".
    -- Does not appear to work with self-referencing tables, but it will
    -- delete everything beneath them.
    -- To make it easy on the server, put a "GO" statement between each line.

    declare @to_delete table (
        id int identity(1, 1) primary key not null,
        criteria nvarchar(1000) not null,
        table_name varchar(200) not null,
        processed bit not null,
        delete_sql varchar(1000)

    insert into @to_delete (criteria, table_name, processed) values (@base_criteria, @base_table_name, 0)

    declare @id int, @criteria nvarchar(1000), @table_name varchar(200)
    while exists(select 1 from @to_delete where processed = 0) begin
        select top 1 @id = id, @criteria = criteria, @table_name = table_name from @to_delete where processed = 0 order by id desc

        insert into @to_delete (criteria, table_name, processed)
            select referencing_column.name + ' in (select [' + referenced_column.name + '] from [' + @table_name +'] where ' + @criteria + ')',
            from  sys.foreign_key_columns fk
                inner join sys.columns referencing_column on fk.parent_object_id = referencing_column.object_id 
                    and fk.parent_column_id = referencing_column.column_id 
                inner join  sys.columns referenced_column on fk.referenced_object_id = referenced_column.object_id 
                    and fk.referenced_column_id = referenced_column.column_id 
                inner join  sys.objects referencing_table on fk.parent_object_id = referencing_table.object_id 
                inner join  sys.objects referenced_table on fk.referenced_object_id = referenced_table.object_id 
                inner join  sys.objects constraint_object on fk.constraint_object_id = constraint_object.object_id
            where referenced_table.name = @table_name
                and referencing_table.name != referenced_table.name

        update @to_delete set
            processed = 1
        where id = @id

    select 'print ''deleting from ' + table_name + '...''; delete from [' + table_name + '] where ' + criteria from @to_delete order by id desc

exec usp_delete_cascade 'root_table_name', 'id = 123'