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Die verwaltete ODP.NET-Bibliothek löst den Alias ​​auf, die 32-Bit-Bibliothek jedoch

Möge diese Problemumgehung für Sie geeignet sein. Sie können den LDAP-Server selbst abfragen und die vollständige Verbindungszeichenfolge in Ihren Code einfügen.

Sie können die Verbindungszeichenfolge von LDAP mit diesem Code auflösen:

using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection())
    connection.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" + ResolveServiceNameLdap("alias") + ";User id=user;Password=password";


  private static string ResolveServiceNameLdap(string serviceName)
     string tnsAdminPath = Path.Combine(@"C:\oracle\network", "ldap.ora");
     // or something more advanced...

     // ldap.ora can contain many LDAP servers
     IEnumerable<string> directoryServers = null;

     if ( File.Exists(tnsAdminPath) ) {
        string defaultAdminContext = string.Empty;

        using ( var sr = File.OpenText(tnsAdminPath) ) {
           string line;

           while ( ( line = sr.ReadLine() ) != null ) {
              // Ignore comments or empty lines
              if ( line.StartsWith("#") || line == string.Empty )

              // If line starts with DEFAULT_ADMIN_CONTEXT then get its value
              if ( line.StartsWith("DEFAULT_ADMIN_CONTEXT") )
                 defaultAdminContext = line.Substring(line.IndexOf('=') + 1).Trim(new[] { '\"', ' ' });

              // If line starts with DIRECTORY_SERVERS then get its value
              if ( line.StartsWith("DIRECTORY_SERVERS") ) {
                 string[] serversPorts = line.Substring(line.IndexOf('=') + 1).Trim(new[] { '(', ')', ' ' }).Split(',');
                 directoryServers = serversPorts.SelectMany(x => {
                    // If the server includes multiple port numbers, this needs to be handled
                    string[] serverPorts = x.Split(':');
                    if ( serverPorts.Count() > 1 )
                       return serverPorts.Skip(1).Select(y => string.Format("{0}:{1}", serverPorts.First(), y));

                    return new[] { x };

        // Iterate through each LDAP server, and try to connect
        foreach ( string directoryServer in directoryServers ) {
           // Try to connect to LDAP server with using default admin contact
           try {
              var directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + directoryServer + "/" + defaultAdminContext, null, null, AuthenticationTypes.Anonymous);
              var directorySearcher = new DirectorySearcher(directoryEntry, "(&(objectclass=orclNetService)(cn=" + serviceName + "))", new[] { "orclnetdescstring" }, SearchScope.Subtree);
              SearchResult searchResult = directorySearcher.FindOne();
              var value = searchResult.Properties["orclnetdescstring"][0] as byte[];
              if ( value != null )
                 connectionString = Encoding.Default.GetString(value);

              // If the connection was successful, then not necessary to try other LDAP servers
           } catch {
              // If the connection to LDAP server not successful, try to connect to the next LDAP server

        // If casting was not successful, or not found any TNS value, then result is an error 
        if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString) ) 
           throw new Exception("TNS value not found in LDAP");

     } else {
        // If ldap.ora doesn't exist, then throw error 
        throw new FileNotFoundException("ldap.ora not found");

     return connectionString;