Schritt 1 sollte darin bestehen, SQLcl herunterzuladen , können Sie die Ausgabe von SQL-Select-Anweisungen im CSV-Format einfach über "SET SQLFORMAT CSV" und SPOOL speichern, es nimmt Ihnen die Arbeit ab. Sie können das also verwenden, um eine Reihe von Tabellennamen / Select-Anweisungen zu durchlaufen, die Ausgabe von jedem über ein Shell-Skript zu spoolen und in einem Verzeichnis zu speichern.
Als nächstes ist hier ein Paket, das eine Reihe von Dateidienstprogrammen enthält, die alle mit Oracle DIRECTORY-Objekten und den darin enthaltenen Dateien arbeiten. Damit und mit etwas PL/SQL könnten Sie die Dateien, die Sie gespeichert haben, leicht in eine Tabelle ziehen. Möglicherweise gibt es einfachere Möglichkeiten, das zu tun, was Sie versuchen, und wenn ja, freue ich mich darauf, für andere davon zu hören. Es ist ein ziemlich großes Problem, das es zu lösen gilt.
1) file_into_blob – um die Datei in die Datenbank zu bekommen
2) convert_blob_to_clob – um sie in clob umzuwandeln
3) Sie können das dann in Ihre Tabelle einfügen.
Create or replace package fileutils as
-- This procedure deletes a file, and depends on an Oracle DIRECTORY object being passed
Procedure delete_os_file (i_directory varchar2, i_filename varchar2);
-- This procedure moves and optionally renames a file,
-- and depends on an Oracle DIRECTORY object being passed
Procedure move_os_file ( i_source_directory in varchar2, i_source_file in varchar2, i_target_directory in varchar2, i_target_file in varchar2);
-- This procedure takes a blob variable and writes it to a file,
-- and depends on an Oracle DIRECTORY object being passed
Procedure blob_into_file (i_directory in varchar2, i_file_name in varchar2, i_blob in blob);
-- This procedure takes a file and uploads it into a blob variable
-- and depends on an Oracle DIRECTORY object being passed
Procedure file_into_blob(i_directory in varchar2, i_file_name in varchar2, o_blob out blob);
-- This procedure converts a clob to a blob
Procedure convert_clob_to_blob (i_clob in clob, o_blob out blob);
-- This procedure converts a blob to a clob
Procedure convert_blob_to_clob (i_blob in blob, o_clob out clob);
-- This one checks for file existence without Java
Function file_exists (i_directory in varchar2, i_filename in varchar2) return boolean;
-- Returns the basename of a filename
-- Works with Windows and UNIX pathnames
Function basename (i_filename in varchar2) return varchar2;
-- This takes a Base64 string and converts it to a binary BLOB
Procedure base64_string_to_blob (i_clob in clob, o_blob out blob);
Function base64_string_to_blob (i_clob in clob) return blob;
-- This takes a binary BLOB and converts it to a Base64 string
Procedure blob_to_base64_string (i_blob in blob, o_clob out clob);
Function blob_to_base64_string (i_blob in blob) return clob;
End fileutils;
Show error;
Set define off;
Create or replace package body fileutils as
Procedure delete_os_file (i_directory varchar2, i_filename varchar2)
Procedure move_os_file
i_source_directory in varchar2,
i_source_file in varchar2,
i_target_directory in varchar2,
i_target_file in varchar2
srcdir varchar2(255) := upper(i_source_directory);
tgtdir varchar2(255) := upper(i_target_directory);
-- NOTE: If you're getting the all-too-familiar
-- ORA-29292: file rename operation failed
-- and you're SURE that your directory names are correct,
-- and you're SURE that your privileges are correct, both at the
-- OS level, and within the database, there's one last thing that
-- can get you. I learned the hard way that this command will NOT
-- work successfully renaming a file from one filesystem to another,
-- at least when those filesystems are NFS mounted. That is all.
end move_os_file;
Procedure blob_into_file (i_directory in varchar2, i_file_name in varchar2, i_blob in blob)
l_file utl_file.file_type;
l_buffer raw(32767);
l_amount binary_integer := 32767;
l_pos integer := 1;
i_blob_len integer;
i_blob_len := dbms_lob.getlength(i_blob);
l_pos:= 1;
-- Open the destination file.
l_file := utl_file.fopen(i_directory,i_file_name,'wb', 32767);
-- Read chunks of the BLOB and write them to the file
-- until complete.
while l_pos < i_blob_len loop, l_amount, l_pos, l_buffer);
utl_file.put_raw(l_file, l_buffer, TRUE);
l_pos := l_pos + l_amount;
end loop;
-- Close the file.
End blob_into_file;
Procedure file_into_blob(i_directory in varchar2, i_file_name in varchar2, o_blob out blob)
src_loc bfile := bfilename(i_directory, i_file_name);
-- Initialize the dest blob
o_blob := empty_blob();
-- Open source binary file from OS, dbms_lob.lob_readonly);
-- Create temporary LOB object
lob_loc => o_blob
, cache => true
, dur => dbms_lob.session
-- Open temporary lob, dbms_lob.lob_readwrite);
-- Load binary file into temporary LOB
dest_lob => o_blob
, src_lob => src_loc
, amount => dbms_lob.getLength(src_loc));
-- Close lob objects
End file_into_blob;
Function basename (i_filename in varchar2) return varchar2
v_basename varchar2(1024);
-- If the regex's below don't match, then it's already at its base name
-- Return what was passed.
v_basename := i_filename;
if regexp_like(i_filename,'^.*\\') then
dbms_output.put_line('This is a Windows file');
v_basename := regexp_substr(i_filename,'[^\]*$');
dbms_output.put_line('Basename is : '||v_basename);
end if;
if regexp_like(i_filename,'^/') then
dbms_output.put_line('This is a UNIX file');
v_basename := regexp_substr(i_filename,'[^/]*$');
dbms_output.put_line('Basename is : '||v_basename);
end if;
return v_basename;
End basename;
Function file_exists (i_directory in varchar2, i_filename in varchar2) return boolean
v_exists boolean;
v_file_length number;
v_block_size number;
utl_file.fgetattr(upper(i_directory), i_filename, v_exists, v_file_length, v_block_size);
if (v_exists) then
dbms_output.put_line('File '||i_filename||' exists, '||v_file_length||' bytes');
dbms_output.put_line('File '||i_filename||' does not exist');
end if;
return v_exists;
end file_exists;
Procedure convert_clob_to_blob (i_clob in clob, o_blob out blob)
v_in pls_Integer := 1;
v_out pls_Integer := 1;
v_lang pls_Integer := 0;
v_warning pls_Integer := 0;
End convert_clob_to_blob;
Procedure convert_blob_to_clob (i_blob in blob, o_clob out clob)
v_in pls_Integer := 1;
v_out pls_Integer := 1;
v_lang pls_Integer := 0;
v_warning pls_Integer := 0;
End convert_blob_to_clob;
Procedure blob_to_base64_string (i_blob in blob, o_clob out clob)
v_out_cl clob;
file_len pls_integer;
modulo pls_integer;
pieces pls_integer;
amt binary_integer := 23808;
buf raw (32767);
buf_tx varchar2(32767);
pos pls_integer := 1;
filepos pls_integer := 1;
counter pls_integer := 1;
dbms_lob.createtemporary (v_out_cl, true,;
file_len := dbms_lob.getlength (i_blob);
modulo := mod (file_len, amt);
pieces := trunc (file_len / amt);
while (counter <= pieces) loop (i_blob, amt, filepos, buf);
buf_tx:=utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 (utl_encode.base64_encode (buf));
dbms_lob.writeappend (v_out_cl,length(buf_tx),buf_tx);
filepos := counter * amt + 1;
counter := counter + 1;
end loop;
if (modulo <> 0) THEN (i_blob, modulo, filepos, buf);
buf_tx:=utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 (utl_encode.base64_encode (buf));
dbms_lob.writeappend (v_out_cl,length(buf_tx),buf_tx);
end if;
o_clob := v_out_cl;
End blob_to_base64_string;
Function blob_to_base64_string (i_blob in blob) return clob
v_out_cl clob;
file_len pls_integer;
modulo pls_integer;
pieces pls_integer;
amt binary_integer := 23808;
buf raw (32767);
buf_tx varchar2(32767);
pos pls_integer := 1;
filepos pls_integer := 1;
counter pls_integer := 1;
dbms_lob.createtemporary (v_out_cl, true,;
file_len := dbms_lob.getlength (i_blob);
modulo := mod (file_len, amt);
pieces := trunc (file_len / amt);
while (counter <= pieces) loop (i_blob, amt, filepos, buf);
buf_tx:=utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 (utl_encode.base64_encode (buf));
dbms_lob.writeappend (v_out_cl,length(buf_tx),buf_tx);
filepos := counter * amt + 1;
counter := counter + 1;
end loop;
if (modulo <> 0) THEN (i_blob, modulo, filepos, buf);
buf_tx:=utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 (utl_encode.base64_encode (buf));
dbms_lob.writeappend (v_out_cl,length(buf_tx),buf_tx);
end if;
return v_out_cl;
End blob_to_base64_string;
Procedure base64_string_to_blob (i_clob in clob, o_blob out blob)
v_out_bl blob;
clob_size number;
pos number;
charBuff varchar2(32767);
dBuffer RAW(32767);
v_readSize_nr number;
v_line_nr number;
dbms_lob.createTemporary (v_out_bl, true,;
v_line_nr:=greatest(65, instr(i_clob,chr(10)), instr(i_clob,chr(13)));
v_readSize_nr:= floor(32767/v_line_nr)*v_line_nr;
clob_size := dbms_lob.getLength(i_clob);
pos := 1;
while (pos < clob_size) loop (i_clob, v_readSize_nr, pos, charBuff);
dBuffer := UTL_ENCODE.base64_decode (utl_raw.cast_to_raw(charBuff));
dbms_lob.writeAppend (v_out_bl,utl_raw.length(dBuffer),dBuffer);
pos := pos + v_readSize_nr;
end loop;
o_blob := v_out_bl;
end base64_string_to_blob;
Function base64_string_to_blob (i_clob in clob) return blob
v_out_bl blob;
clob_size number;
pos number;
charBuff varchar2(32767);
dBuffer RAW(32767);
v_readSize_nr number;
v_line_nr number;
dbms_lob.createTemporary (v_out_bl, true,;
v_line_nr:=greatest(65, instr(i_clob,chr(10)), instr(i_clob,chr(13)));
v_readSize_nr:= floor(32767/v_line_nr)*v_line_nr;
clob_size := dbms_lob.getLength(i_clob);
pos := 1;
while (pos < clob_size) loop (i_clob, v_readSize_nr, pos, charBuff);
dBuffer := UTL_ENCODE.base64_decode (utl_raw.cast_to_raw(charBuff));
dbms_lob.writeAppend (v_out_bl,utl_raw.length(dBuffer),dBuffer);
pos := pos + v_readSize_nr;
end loop;
return v_out_bl;
end base64_string_to_blob;
end fileutils;
Show error;