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Breite erste Suchanfrage in MySQL?

Schritt 0:Erstellen Sie eine Ansicht, die alle Nachbarpaare anzeigt

CREATE VIEW neighbour AS
       , AS b
  FROM locations loc1
     , locations loc2
  WHERE FIND_IN_SET(, loc2.neighbours)>0
     OR FIND_IN_SET(, loc1.neighbours)>0
) ;

Schritt 1:Finde Nachbarn der Tiefe 1

SELECT b AS depth1
FROM neighbour
WHERE a = 1;               <-- for root with id=1

Schritt 2:Finde Nachbarn der Tiefe 2

FROM neighbour d1
  JOIN neighbour d2
    ON d1.b = d2.a
      AND d2.b != 1
WHERE d1.a = 1                <-- for root with id=1
  AND d2.b NOT IN
     ( SELECT b AS depth1     <- depth1 subquery
       FROM neighbour
       WHERE a = 1            <-- for root with id=1

Schritt 3:Finde Nachbarn der Tiefe 3

SELECT d3.b as depth3
FROM neighbour d1
  JOIN neighbour d2
    ON d1.b = d2.a
    AND d2.b != 1
    AND d2.b NOT IN
       ( SELECT b as depth1
         FROM neighbour
         WHERE a = 1
  JOIN neighbour d3
    ON d2.b = d3.a
    AND d3.b != 1
WHERE d1.a = 1
  AND d3.b NOT IN
     ( SELECT b as depth1
       FROM neighbour
       WHERE a = 1
  AND d3.b NOT IN
     ( SELECT d2.b AS depth2
       FROM neighbour d1
         JOIN neighbour d2
           ON d1.b = d2.a
           AND d2.b != 1
       WHERE d1.a = 1
         AND d2.b NOT IN
            ( SELECT b AS depth1
              FROM neighbour
              WHERE a = 1

Wie Sie sehen können, ist das Wachstum für die Anzahl der Abfragezeilen exponentiell, daher werde ich die Stufe 4 nicht ausprobieren.