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Mungo:Finden Sie Daten, indem Sie eine Reihe von Modellen durchlaufen

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Beispiel Arbeitscode ähnlich dem, was Sie benötigen. Eine weitere Referenz zur Verwendung von Async mit Mongoose.

 * Object to store all models
var allRefDatasSchemas = {
  RefAllotement: mongoose.model('RefAllotement', RefDataSchema),
  RefModeleConstructeur: mongoose.model('RefModeleConstructeur', RefDataSchema),
  RefTypeKit: mongoose.model('RefTypeKit', RefDataSchema),
  RefTypeUtilisation: mongoose.model('RefTypeUtilisation', RefDataSchema),
 * need an array to run all queries one by one in a definite order using async waterfall mwthod
var arr = [];
for(each in allRefDatasSchemas) {

 * Callback function for initiation of waterfall
var queue = [
    function(callback) {
        // pass the ref array and run first query by passing starting index - 0
        callback(null, arr, 0)

 * Object to store result of all queries
var finalResult = {};

 * Generic Callback function for every dynamic query
var callbackFunc = function(prevModelData, currentIndex, callback) {
    allRefDatasSchemas[arr[currentIndex]].find(function(err, result) {
        if(err) {
        } else {

            // Your Query
            // I'd like to do something like that :
            // but this.modelName is null, because it isn't the model
            // on which the find is done.

            // arr[currentIndex] will point to 
            // RefAllotement, RefModeleConstructeur etc. as you required
            finalResult[arr[currentIndex]] = result

            // send current result to next interation if required or you can skip
            // and increment the currentIndex to call next query 
            callback(null, result, currentIndex + 1)

 * Add callback function for every dynamic query
for(each in allRefDatasSchemas) {

 * Run all dynamic queries one by one using async.js waterfall method
async.waterfall(queue, function (err, result) {
    // Final object with result of all the queries
    console.log('finish', finalResult)

Ausgabe wird in diesem Format vorliegen

finish { RefAllotement:[
        // Result of RefAllotement query
        // Result of RefModeleConstructeur query
        // Result of RefTypeKit query
        // Result of RefTypeUtilisation query