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Mongodb-Aggregationsabfrage zum Subtrahieren und Gruppieren des kumulativen Werts

Wie ist das? Es berechnet nicht die Stunde, aber alles andere.

      $match: {
          $and: [
              {MachineID: {$in: [1001]}},
                Timestamp: {
                    $gte: ISODate("2017-04-18T01:30:00.000Z"),
                    $lte: ISODate("2017-04-19T01:30:00.000Z")
    // Add all data to one array.
    {$group: {_id: "$MachineID", all: {$push: "$$ROOT"}}},
    // Create an array of (element, array index) pairs.
    {$addFields: {allWithIndex: {$zip: {inputs: ["$all", {$range: [0, {$size: "$all"}]}]}}}},
    // Create an array of {current: <element>, previous: <previous element>} pairs.
      $project: {
          pairs: {
              $map: {
                  input: "$allWithIndex",
                  in : {
                      current: {$arrayElemAt: ["$$this", 0]},
                      prev: {
                          $arrayElemAt: [
                              // Set prev == current for the first element.
                              {$max: [0, {$subtract: [{$arrayElemAt: ["$$this", 1]}, 1]}]}
    // Compute the deltas.
    {$unwind: "$pairs"},
      $group: {
          _id: {MachineID: "$_id", RunStatus: "$pairs.current.RunStatus"},
              {$sum: {$subtract: ["$pairs.current.ProductsCount", "$pairs.prev.ProductsCount"]}},
              {$sum: {$subtract: ["$pairs.current.Utilization", "$pairs.prev.Utilization"]}},