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So rufen Sie zwei Json-Antworten Json Object und Array ab

HINWEIS :Wie in der vorherigen Frage erwähnt, muss die angegebene JSON-Zeichenfolge das richtige Format haben, d. h. entweder einen Schlüssel für jedes Objekt (Login, Konten) oder sie in einem einzigen Array (Eingabe) haben. Ich gebe Lösung für beide Optionen.

Anfänger, ich stelle Ihnen 2 separate Methoden zur Verfügung, damit Sie eingehende JSON-Zeichenfolgen verarbeiten können, je nachdem, wie Sie sie entweder als 2 Objekte in einer einzelnen JSON-Zeichenfolge oder als 2 Objekte in einem JSON-Array konstruieren.

Sie können Ihre Lösung auswählen :)

Probieren Sie den Code aus, lassen Sie es mich wissen, wenn Sie weitere Hilfe benötigen, und akzeptieren Sie die Antwort.

OPTION1 :2 Objekte in einer einzelnen JSON-Zeichenfolge

         "email":"[email protected]",
         "created_at":"2016-07-22 09:05:21"
            "sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account",
            "sl_desc":"PA : Savings - Cash Bond",

OPTION2 :2 Objekte in einem einzelnen JSON-Array-String

            "email":"[email protected]",
            "created_at":"2016-07-22 09:05:21"
               "sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account",
               "sl_desc":"PA : Savings - Cash Bond",

Code zur Handhabung beider Szenarien (OPTION1 &OPTION2) von JSON String

import android.util.Log;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

public static void jsonExample() {
    // OPTION 1
    String twoObjectString = "{ \"login\":{ \"error\":false, \"user\":{ \"br_code\":12, \"mem_id\":13, \"username\":\"novalyn\", \"email\":\"[email protected]\", \"created_at\":\"2016-07-22 09:05:21\" } }, \"accounts\":{ \"error\":false, \"sl_summ\":[ { \"sl_desc\":\"PA : Savings Account\", \"tr_date\":\"2015-08-17\", \"actual_balance\":\"483.67\", \"available_balance\":\"483.67\" }, { \"sl_desc\":\"PA : Savings - Cash Bond\", \"tr_date\":\"2015-08-28\", \"actual_balance\":\"10129.43\", \"available_balance\":\"10129.43\" } ] } }\n";
    // OPTION 2
    String arrayString = "{ \"input\": [ { \"error\":false, \"user\":{ \"br_code\":12, \"mem_id\":13, \"username\":\"novalyn\", \"email\":\"[email protected]\", \"created_at\":\"2016-07-22 09:05:21\" } }, { \"error\":false, \"sl_summ\":[ { \"sl_desc\":\"PA : Savings Account\", \"tr_date\":\"2015-08-17\", \"actual_balance\":\"483.67\", \"available_balance\":\"483.67\" }, { \"sl_desc\":\"PA : Savings - Cash Bond\", \"tr_date\":\"2015-08-28\", \"actual_balance\":\"10129.43\", \"available_balance\":\"10129.43\" } ] } ] }\n";
    try {
        Log.d("TEST", "COMBINED 2 OBJECTS             ");
        Log.d("TEST", "INPUT String                 : " + twoObjectString);
        JSONObject twoJSONObjects = new JSONObject(twoObjectString);

        Log.d("TEST", "2 OBJECTS IN ARRAY             ");
        Log.d("TEST", "INPUT String                   " + arrayString);
        JSONObject arrayJSONObject = new JSONObject(arrayString);
    } catch (Exception exception) {
        Log.d("TEST", exception.toString());

public static void handleTwoObjects(JSONObject jsonObject)  throws Exception {
    // read the json string into a json object
    Log.d("TEST", "JSON String                  : " + jsonObject.toString());

    if (!jsonObject.isNull("login")) {
        JSONObject loginObject = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("login");

        // access individual json object thru jsonObject.get("FIELD_NAME")
        Log.d("TEST", "-error attribute             : " + loginObject.get("error").toString());

        // Check if its login data i.e. user present
        if (!loginObject.isNull("user")) {
            // handle user login data
            JSONObject userJSONObject = (JSONObject) loginObject.get("user");
            Log.d("TEST", "User                         : " + userJSONObject.toString());
            Log.d("TEST", "-br_code attribute           : " + userJSONObject.get("br_code").toString());
            Log.d("TEST", "-mem_id attribute            : " + userJSONObject.get("mem_id").toString());
            Log.d("TEST", "-username attribute          : " + userJSONObject.get("username").toString());
            Log.d("TEST", "-email attribute             : " + userJSONObject.get("email").toString());
            Log.d("TEST", "-created_at attribute        : " + userJSONObject.get("created_at").toString());
            // Check if its account data i.e. sl_summ is present
        } else {
            // a new JSON string that doesn't have user in login Object
            Log.d("TEST", "Unknown JSON String          : " + loginObject.toString());

    if (!jsonObject.isNull("accounts")) {
        JSONObject accountsObject = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("accounts");

        // access individual json object thru jsonObject.get("FIELD_NAME")
        Log.d("TEST", "-error attribute             : " + accountsObject.get("error").toString());

        JSONArray slArray = accountsObject.optJSONArray("sl_summ");

        // Check if its login data i.e. user present
        if (slArray != null) {
            // handle account data
            JSONArray array = ((JSONArray)accountsObject.getJSONArray("sl_summ"));
            // access individual json array thru jsonObject.getJSONArray("FIELD_NAME")
            Log.d("TEST", "-sl_summ array               : " + accountsObject.getJSONArray("sl_summ").toString());
            for (int index=0; index<array.length(); index++) {
                JSONObject object = (JSONObject)array.get(index);
                Log.d("TEST", "-sl_desc attribute           : " + object.get("sl_desc").toString());
                Log.d("TEST", "-tr_date attribute           : " + object.get("tr_date").toString());
                Log.d("TEST", "-actual_balance attribute    : " + object.get("actual_balance").toString());
                Log.d("TEST", "-available_balance attribute : " + object.get("available_balance").toString());
                Log.d("TEST", "---------------------------------");
        } else {
            // a new JSON string that doesn't have sl_summ as member variable so display it and write new handler code
            Log.d("TEST", "Unknown JSON String          : " + jsonObject.toString());

public static void handleArrayOfObjects(JSONObject jsonObject)  throws Exception {
    // read the json string into a json object
    Log.d("TEST", "JSON String                  : " + jsonObject.toString());

    JSONArray inputArray = jsonObject.optJSONArray("input");

    if (inputArray != null && inputArray.length() > 0) {
        for (int oindex = 0; oindex < inputArray.length(); oindex++) {

            JSONObject currentObject = (JSONObject) inputArray.get(oindex);

            JSONArray slArray = currentObject.optJSONArray("sl_summ");

            // access individual json object thru jsonObject.get("FIELD_NAME")
            Log.d("TEST", "-error attribute             : " + currentObject.get("error").toString());

            // Check if its login data i.e. user present
            if (!currentObject.isNull("user") && slArray == null) {
                // handle user login data
                JSONObject userJSONObject = (JSONObject) currentObject.get("user");
                Log.d("TEST", "User                         : " + userJSONObject.toString());
                Log.d("TEST", "-br_code attribute           : " + userJSONObject.get("br_code").toString());
                Log.d("TEST", "-mem_id attribute            : " + userJSONObject.get("mem_id").toString());
                Log.d("TEST", "-username attribute          : " + userJSONObject.get("username").toString());
                Log.d("TEST", "-email attribute             : " + userJSONObject.get("email").toString());
                Log.d("TEST", "-created_at attribute        : " + userJSONObject.get("created_at").toString());
                // Check if its account data i.e. sl_summ is present
            } else if (slArray != null && currentObject.isNull("user")) {
                // handle account data
                JSONArray array = ((JSONArray)currentObject.getJSONArray("sl_summ"));
                // access individual json array thru jsonObject.getJSONArray("FIELD_NAME")
                Log.d("TEST", "-sl_summ array               : " + currentObject.getJSONArray("sl_summ").toString());
                for (int index=0; index<array.length(); index++) {
                    JSONObject object = (JSONObject)array.get(index);
                    Log.d("TEST", "-sl_desc attribute           : " + object.get("sl_desc").toString());
                    Log.d("TEST", "-tr_date attribute           : " + object.get("tr_date").toString());
                    Log.d("TEST", "-actual_balance attribute    : " + object.get("actual_balance").toString());
                    Log.d("TEST", "-available_balance attribute : " + object.get("available_balance").toString());
                    Log.d("TEST", "---------------------------------");
            } else {
                // a new JSON string that doesn't have user or sl_summ as member variable so display it and write new handler code
                Log.d("TEST", "Unknown JSON String          : " + jsonObject.toString());

Beispielprotokolle für OPTION1 und OPTION2

07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: COMBINED 2 OBJECTS             
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: INPUT String                 : { "login":{ "error":false, "user":{ "br_code":12, "mem_id":13, "username":"novalyn", "email":"[email protected]", "created_at":"2016-07-22 09:05:21" } }, "accounts":{ "error":false, "sl_summ":[ { "sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account", "tr_date":"2015-08-17", "actual_balance":"483.67", "available_balance":"483.67" }, { "sl_desc":"PA : Savings - Cash Bond", "tr_date":"2015-08-28", "actual_balance":"10129.43", "available_balance":"10129.43" } ] } }
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: JSON String                  : {"login":{"error":false,"user":{"br_code":12,"mem_id":13,"username":"novalyn","email":"[email protected]","created_at":"2016-07-22 09:05:21"}},"accounts":{"error":false,"sl_summ":[{"sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account","tr_date":"2015-08-17","actual_balance":"483.67","available_balance":"483.67"},{"sl_desc":"PA : Savings - Cash Bond","tr_date":"2015-08-28","actual_balance":"10129.43","available_balance":"10129.43"}]}}
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -error attribute             : false
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: User                         : {"br_code":12,"mem_id":13,"username":"novalyn","email":"[email protected]","created_at":"2016-07-22 09:05:21"}
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -br_code attribute           : 12
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -mem_id attribute            : 13
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -username attribute          : novalyn
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -email attribute             : [email protected]
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -created_at attribute        : 2016-07-22 09:05:21
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -error attribute             : false
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -sl_summ array               : [{"sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account","tr_date":"2015-08-17","actual_balance":"483.67","available_balance":"483.67"},{"sl_desc":"PA : Savings - Cash Bond","tr_date":"2015-08-28","actual_balance":"10129.43","available_balance":"10129.43"}]
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -sl_desc attribute           : PA : Savings Account
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -tr_date attribute           : 2015-08-17
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -actual_balance attribute    : 483.67
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -available_balance attribute : 483.67
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: ---------------------------------
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -sl_desc attribute           : PA : Savings - Cash Bond
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -tr_date attribute           : 2015-08-28
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -actual_balance attribute    : 10129.43
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -available_balance attribute : 10129.43
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: ---------------------------------

07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: 2 OBJECTS IN ARRAY             
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: INPUT String                   { "input": [ { "error":false, "user":{ "br_code":12, "mem_id":13, "username":"novalyn", "email":"[email protected]", "created_at":"2016-07-22 09:05:21" } }, { "error":false, "sl_summ":[ { "sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account", "tr_date":"2015-08-17", "actual_balance":"483.67", "available_balance":"483.67" }, { "sl_desc":"PA : Savings - Cash Bond", "tr_date":"2015-08-28", "actual_balance":"10129.43", "available_balance":"10129.43" } ] } ] }
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: JSON String                  : {"input":[{"error":false,"user":{"br_code":12,"mem_id":13,"username":"novalyn","email":"[email protected]","created_at":"2016-07-22 09:05:21"}},{"error":false,"sl_summ":[{"sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account","tr_date":"2015-08-17","actual_balance":"483.67","available_balance":"483.67"},{"sl_desc":"PA : Savings - Cash Bond","tr_date":"2015-08-28","actual_balance":"10129.43","available_balance":"10129.43"}]}]}
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -error attribute             : false
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: User                         : {"br_code":12,"mem_id":13,"username":"novalyn","email":"[email protected]","created_at":"2016-07-22 09:05:21"}
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -br_code attribute           : 12
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -mem_id attribute            : 13
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -username attribute          : novalyn
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -email attribute             : [email protected]
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -created_at attribute        : 2016-07-22 09:05:21
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -error attribute             : false
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -sl_summ array               : [{"sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account","tr_date":"2015-08-17","actual_balance":"483.67","available_balance":"483.67"},{"sl_desc":"PA : Savings - Cash Bond","tr_date":"2015-08-28","actual_balance":"10129.43","available_balance":"10129.43"}]
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -sl_desc attribute           : PA : Savings Account
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -tr_date attribute           : 2015-08-17
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -actual_balance attribute    : 483.67
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -available_balance attribute : 483.67
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: ---------------------------------
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -sl_desc attribute           : PA : Savings - Cash Bond
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -tr_date attribute           : 2015-08-28
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -actual_balance attribute    : 10129.43
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -available_balance attribute : 10129.43
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: ---------------------------------

Ich habe keinen Zugriff auf alle internen PHP-Dateien, die ich zum Ausführen Ihres PHP-Codes verwenden kann, daher habe ich die meisten Funktionsaufrufe durch hartcodierte Werte ersetzt, wie sie in der Nutzlast der Beispielantwort geteilt werden. Hier ist der Code zum Generieren von JSON-Objekten im OPTION1-Format.

Kurz gesagt, Sie müssen ["login"] und ["accounts"] vor allen Unterattributen in $response hinzufügen, damit sie im richtigen JSON-Objekt gruppiert werden und Sie zwei JSON-Objekte haben, die oben analysiert werden können freigegebener Android-Code.

// json response array
$br_response = array("error" => FALSE);
$sl_response["error"] = FALSE;
$sl_response["sl_summ"] = array();

$arclass = "13";
$loanclass = "12";
$accintreceivable = "21";

        // user is found
        $response["login"]["error"] = FALSE;
        $response["login"]["user"]["br_code"] = 12;
        $response["login"]["user"]["mem_id"] = 13;
        $response["login"]["user"]["username"] = "novalyn";
        $response["login"]["user"]["email"] = "[email protected]";
        $response["login"]["user"]["created_at"] = "2016-07-22 09:05:21";
                 for($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++){
                        $item = array();
                        $item["sl_desc"] = "PA : Savings Account";
                        $item["tr_date"] = "2015-08-17";
                        $item["actual_balance"] = "483.67";
                        $item["available_balance"] = "483.67";
                        $sl_response["sl_summ"][] = $item;
                    $response["accounts"] = $sl_response;
                    echo json_encode($response, true);

PHP Sample Run generierte JSON-Antwort (OPTION1)

         "email":"[email protected]",
         "created_at":"2016-07-22 09:05:21"
            "sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account",
            "sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account",

Der Code wird für einige Tage unter https://codepad.remoteinterview.io/YJJKVUEAAH

verfügbar sein