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IllegalArgumentException:Der Typ darf nicht null sein

Spring Data JPA ab 1.11.1 unterstützt keine SPs, die Resultsets zurückgeben. Ich habe einen entsprechenden Fehler gemeldet mit Spring Data.

Die Lösung besteht darin, eine API-Ebene abzusteigen und einfach JPA zu verwenden. Hier ist eine generische Klasse, die ich geschrieben habe und die mit MS SQL SPs funktioniert.

import java.util.List;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.ParameterMode;
import javax.persistence.Query;
import javax.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

@RequiredArgsConstructor(onConstructor = @__(@Autowired))
public class StoredProcRepository {

  //region Injected beans (via a RequiredArgsConstructor)
  private final EntityManager em;

   * Calls a stored procedure via JPA and retrieves a single implicit result set (in DBs that
   * support them e.g. MS SQL or MySQL). The call is not dependent on a DB dialect. Be
   * aware that large result sets should be paginated and not entirely read to memory. Recreates
   * StoredProcedureQuery instance and its parameters on each call.
   * To execute MS SQL SPs performing multiple queries, SET NOCOUNT ON.
   * @param procedureName stored procedure name, optionally qualified per DB syntax
   * @param resultClass converts (maps) each result set row into instances of resultClass via JPA
   * @param spArgs stored procedure arguments, supplied positionally (optional SP arguments at the
   * end of the list could be omitted)
   * @param <T> class of row instances converted per JPA
   * @return the entire result set
  public <T> List<T> queryViaStoredProc(String procedureName, Class<T> resultClass,
      Object... spArgs) {
    StoredProcedureQuery spq = em.createStoredProcedureQuery(procedureName, resultClass);
    int pos = 0;
    for (Object arg : spArgs) {
      spq.registerStoredProcedureParameter(++pos, arg.getClass(), ParameterMode.IN);
      spq.setParameter(pos, arg);
    return spq.getResultList();

   * Calls a stored procedure via JPA and retrieves only the top row of a single implicit result
   * set (in DBs that support them e.g. MS SQL or MySQL).
   * Assumes that result set has at least one row.
   * The call is not dependent on a DB dialect.
   * Be aware that large result sets should be paginated and not entirely read to memory.
   * Recreates StoredProcedureQuery instance and its parameters on each call.
   * To execute MS SQL SPs performing multiple queries, SET NOCOUNT ON.
   * @param procedureName stored procedure name, optionally qualified per DB syntax
   * @param resultClass converts (maps) each result set row into instances of resultClass via JPA
   * @param spArgs stored procedure arguments, supplied positionally (optional SP arguments at the
   * end of the list could be omitted)
   * @param <T> class of row instances converted per JPA
   * @return the entire result set
  public <T> T queryTopRowViaStoredProc(String procedureName, Class<T> resultClass,
      Object... spArgs) {
    return queryViaStoredProc(procedureName, resultClass, spArgs).get(0);

Für MS SQL-SPs besteht die zusätzliche Anforderung darin, SET NOCOUNT ON zu haben für alle SPs, die mehr als eine Abfrage ausführen. Dies kann auf mindestens drei Arten festgelegt werden:

  1. In einem generischen Java-Wrapper, der JPA verwendet (siehe Code unten). Dieser Ansatz funktioniert nur mit dem jTDS JDBC-Treiber. Ein entsprechendes Problem wurde mit MS JDBC-Treiberprojekt abgelegt.
  2. Am Anfang jedes SP.
  3. Global in Ihrer Datenbank .

Hier ist Code für Nr. 1:entsprechende Methoden für dasselbe StoredProcRepository Klasse.

   * Calls an MS SQL stored procedure via JPA and retrieves a single implicit result set.
   * Protects against lack of SET NOCOUNT in stored procedures.
   * This works with jTDS JDBC driver, but not with MS JDBC driver.
   * Be aware that large result sets should be paginated and not entirely read to memory.
   * @param procedureName stored procedure name, optionally qualified per DB syntax
   * @param resultClass converts (maps) each result set row into instances of resultClass via JPA
   * @param spArgs stored procedure arguments, supplied positionally (optional SP arguments at the
   * end of the list could be omitted)
   * @param <T> class of row instances converted per JPA
   * @return the entire result set
  public <T> List<T> queryViaMsSqlStoredProc(String procedureName, Class<T> resultClass,
      Object... spArgs) {
    String spBindParams = (spArgs.length == 0) ? "" : "?" + Strings.repeat(",?", spArgs.length - 1);

    // The following works with jTDS driver, but not with MS driver
    String spQuery = String.format("EXEC %s %s", procedureName, spBindParams);

    // The following works with jTDS driver, but not with MS driver
    String spQuery = String.format("{call %s(%s)}", procedureName, spBindParams);
    Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SET NOCOUNT ON; " + spQuery, resultClass)
        .setHint("org.hibernate.readOnly", true);

    Query q = em.createNativeQuery(spQuery, resultClass);
    int pos = 0;
    for (Object arg : spArgs) {
      q.setParameter(++pos, arg);
    return q.getResultList();

   * Calls an MS SQL stored procedure via JPA and retrieves only the top row of a single implicit
   * result set.
   * Assumes that result set has at least one row.
   * The call sets the "NOCOUNT ON" MS SQL batch option.
   * Be aware that large result sets should be paginated and not entirely read to memory.
   * @param procedureName stored procedure name, optionally qualified per DB syntax
   * @param resultClass converts (maps) each result set row into instances of resultClass via JPA
   * @param spArgs stored procedure arguments, supplied positionally (optional SP arguments at the
   * end of the list could be omitted)
   * @param <T> class of row instances converted per JPA
   * @return the entire result set
  public <T> T queryTopRowViaMsSqlStoredProc(String procedureName, Class<T> resultClass,
      Object... spArgs) {
    return queryViaMsSqlStoredProc(procedureName, resultClass, spArgs).get(0);